
The Jordan River

The Jordan River - This is the border between the West Bank and Jordan


Anonymous said...

salam aleikum John!, accidentally i found ur page and i liked it a lot... i'm from colombia but studying in texas... one of my big dreams is to go to Beirut & middle east... that's why i really like ur blog.. it makes me feel there too.... i'm taking arabic classes so one day inshalla i'll pratice over there.. :D
Tsharrafna John,
good luck and be safe...

Words from Woodbridge said...

3leikum alsalama Andrea,
I am glad to hear of that you are interested in the Middle East. It is a wonderful place and I do hope that one day, inshallah you will get the chance to travel to the region. It is nice to hear that some people read the blog :) I try to update it as much as I can, but it tends to be hard when so much is happening. We are constantly dealing with the threat of bombings and the political situation is really unstable, but for some reason, I have faith that i will live another day, and that the people of Lebanon are tired of violence. Please feel free to email me, as I don't know your email, I would love to hear what your interests are in particular, or why you are interested in the Middle East in general. Mabruk (Congratulations) on your arabic studies, and inshallah we can chat in 3rabic for practice :) Allah ysalmik,