
The Perfect Storm Followed by the "Perfect Storm"

The last few days have gathered together the perfect storm for Lebanon to erupt. A strike was held and taken hostage by the feuding opponents of the Lebanese government. After the leader of Hizballah spoke, Beirut witnessed some of the nastiest street fights it has seen since the unforgettable civil war. Residents of Beirut were left listening to the sounds of bullets and grenades and rendered helpless.

I recall at one moment, all I could do is pray for rain. Rain for some reason, which is very rare during the spring and summertime, might be able to slow down the deterioration and aid in restoring the calm.

Unbelievably, I'm sitting here at almost 3 am, during a very violent thunderstorm which woke me up from my brief sleep. I was almost certain I was hearing RPGs or some sort of explosion, but it was ordinary thunder. I felt that I had to write at least for my own thought and record of how this perfect storm just seem to enter the scene at the right time. While I don't have the energy to keep writing, I couldn't resist putting this one in the books. :)

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