
Bombs Bombs and More Bombs

The Israelis continue to bomb Dahiya... I am not sure what they are hitting, what's interesting is that you can watch it all on TV. The Lebanese television stations set up cameras overlooking Dahiya and you can just watch the television.. see the explosion and count to 13.. Thirteen is the amount of seconds it takes before you can hear the explosion. The bombs keep on falling and I think I am going to go out of my mind. I am not sure that there are any more places that they can hit, so they will just continue to bomb the airport and hit the same bridges over and over again...

I wonder how much money is spent on each bomb, let's say 50,000 dollars? I don't know how much, but it sure could do a lot to help people if the amount was used for something beneficial to humanity.... I have probably heard over 250 bombs by now.. And yet I still can't stop jumping or flinching every time I hear one..

I am hoping that my students are all safe and sound, but I know that is far from reality. I tried to keep in touch with them but a lot of their phones aren't working now..

I hate that sound.. I can't even write this fucking blog without hearing at least 5 blasts... I will write more when I calm down..

Day 5 of the siege

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