
Day 5

I am sitting in Beirut, waiting for the attacks to begin, the Israeli government promised it would be a strong attack tonight, we find ourselves saying that each night will be the worst night.. It doesn't look like the campaigns are showing any sign of slowing down, only growing both in intensity and bolder in targets. I feel for the people in Dahiya because they haven't had a break from the bombing.. The bombs continue to slam every hour, it's no longer a sound that is unfamiliar and granted it has only been 5 days of fighting..

There is continued talk about a ceasefire but the terms are unrealistic...go figure that would ever happen when talking to the Israelis.. I submitted an editorial to the Washington Post.. I am not sure if they will run it, but I am hoping that it will help get the word out. If you are able to, please write your local representative demanding the US to intervene in this conflict. I can't say enough how the bombings are all civilian targets. They are destroying neighborhoods that are densely populated....

The power has been off and on, and I am trying to take the opportunity to update this blog every second I get.

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